Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thing 1

Even though there are 7 ½ habits to choose from, it is hard to figure out which one I really have problems with until I really started to sit and think about which one truly gives me a run for my money. The only habit I have a problem with is habit 1. When I am starting a project or a paper, I react in two different ways towards them. When it comes to projects, I usually am ready to go with a goal in mind but when it comes to other things like writing papers, this is a totally different story. It is almost impossible for me to set out goals for when I have a paper to write, since I am not a big fan of writing in the first place. In the past I have waited until the last second to even think about writing papers instead of setting goals and sticking to them. I have gotten better over the years about setting goals and I plan to still keep working on setting my goals and keeping to them.
The rest of the habits, I feel like I have them under control. With habit 2, I understand that if I put “trash” in, then I will get “trash” out. I have learned to limit my own television time over the years so that I could have that time for better things like reading or spending time outside. Habit 3, has always felt more natural for me to do because I never see anything as a problem. Seeing things as problems can not only make you worry because you have a problem but it can also make you stress yourself out. There is never any good reason to add stress when there is truly nothing to stress about. The next habit, habit 4, at one point was a challenge for me but over time I have grown into a young and very confidant person. I truly do believe what they were saying on this slide about “you are what you say and think.” Habits 5 through 7, I know have always seem easy for me to do. Finally 7 ½ is my favorite one! I feel that if you do not give yourself enough you time or “play time”, then you will end up stressing or over working yourself, which can end up causing yourself to shut down or become sick. The things I would like to learn is like π, it is a never ending rational number. I will never be able to learn all I want to learn from using web 2.0 tools but I know I will keep learning. On that note, I really do not have anything specific I want to learn, I just want to learn something new everyday. Also, this blog was very simple to set up!

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