Sunday, September 23, 2012

Thing 11

For me in Thing 11, the easiest tools given to search on to use was definitely Google Blog Search and Technorati. They were both simply made. The Google Blog Search is pretty much like Google, which leads to having nothing too complex and everyone can just get on to this search and know how to use it without having to watch some kind of tutorial.  Technorati was also had a simple set up allowing people to be able to use the site with ease.  The two Search tools I did not really enjoy were Syndic8 and Topix.  There was multiple reasons that I did not like these two at all.  The biggest reason for not caring about Syndic8 was that once I got to the page, it had so much junk on it that it made it seem confusing.  I like for things to be simple and they went twenty-million miles passed a simple layout.  The reason I did not care too much for Topix is that it took me too long to get a hang of using it.  I like to be able to get on to a search of any type and know the best way to use it and I was not able to do that with the feed finder. I found a lot of neat feeds during my search on  the tool given.  I pretty much was looking for feeds on technology and education.  I did sneak a few blogs in about my favorite pro football team, The Denver Broncos.  These tools are such a great help when trying to find new feeds to add.

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