Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thing 5

What is School 2.0? This is the question at hand. Not many people really know what School 2.0 is and at firt, I hate to admit, I was not fully sure if I even understood what it exactly was. Once looking more up and reading about School 2.0 I learned that I did have some understandings on what it was. For those who do not know what it exactly is here is my personal deffinition: School 2.0 is the new technology that is being incorporated into the school system everyday. Thinking back, what may seem not long to some, we did not even really know what a computer was. I was first introduced to a computer from my mom's work but the first time I got to get my hands on one was when I was in elementary school in second grade. My second grade experience was the beginning to my use of computers, which it is odd to think back to then because the only thing we were able to do on the computers were play the CD-Rom games that the school had purchased. Looking at today’s elementary students though, they are able to do so much more!  They are able to create blogs, web-pages, podcast, and a bunch of other things easily.  These three tools can enhance a teacher’s lesson by a thousand times!  The child is more likely to retain the information after they had applied it with using one of these three things alone.  All educators are met with the challenge of having to learn new technology yearly!  Some of the changes are simple ones and others are far out there to some educators.  As an educator, we have to be willing to never stop learning because once an educator has stopped learning a new trick every year, he or she is just failing their students by not giving them the full education that they deserve!

1 comment:

  1. I know how you felt! I had no idea what School 2.0 was either. I was 13 when my parents got me a computer and I still don't know everything about them. I have a feeling most of our students are going to know more than we do by time we get our own classroom. See you in class! :)
