Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thing 3

There are so many different ways that I will be able to use blooging when I become a teacher.  My three top ideas that come to mind are as follow: Creating a blog to help other teachers that may come to the same cross roads in their teaching career; having my students keep a blog either of their daily work so that oth'er students that did not understand can see what everyone else did or just to be their personal journals; and creating a blog so that the students and their parents can keep up to date in what is going on in class.  I feel that these three ideas would be some of the best ways to use blogging when I become a teacher. Creating a blog of personal experiences, with keeping from using students/parents or co-workers names unrevealed, so that other teachers that may run into the same situation can see that they are not the only one’s out their dealing with the same things.  It could also help other teachers decided how to handle their own situation or see how another teacher dealt with the same problem they are having.   Even though this is a great idea to do, you  have to make sure to not use names.  Once you use names of the people you are talking about, you can start getting into so major trouble.  If the parent of a student you mention in one of your post sees the post and sees you were talking horrible about the child, then they can raise cane and cause you to lose your job, depending on the situation.  Then you could also have the problem of talking about something that happened between yourself and a co-worker.  If they see it then it can cause matters to become worse than before.  If the blog is going to be used for this reason, then make sure you do not use the real names of people within your post. Having your students create their own blog is also a great idea.  If a teacher does this, then they could have their class keep a personal journal or for something like math, the students could put certain problems in the journals so that if a classmate is having problems solving the equation, they can figure out what they might be doing wrong.  The last thing you could do with a blog that popped in my head was a blog for the classroom in general.   You as a teacher can keep calendars, parent letters, and different reminders for both the students and their parents.  Once again, you, if you are a math teacher, could put problems like the ones on the homework on the blog and show how you solved the equations so that the students at home can see what they are doing wrong when they are working their equations. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that blogging is a great way to stay in touch! You have done a great job decorating your blog!
