Monday, October 1, 2012

This Chapter is Ending, But Another is Beginning

I really enjoyed learning about Flickr, Live Binders, and the different imagine generators. Each of these items that I learned about, will be used in the near future in many different ways: like in power points, in my future class room and even in my music fraternity. This program has opened my eyes up to new information that I had no clue some of it was even out there. It has changed some of my lifelong learning goals in so many ways. The biggest way it has changed them is that I am going to make sure to always stay on top of my game with technology and making sure I learn something new about technology I can use in my own classroom one day. There was nothing that was unexpected for outcomes to me. I wish there were more things to tell the truth. I really enjoyed learning about different things on line. I plan on using a lot of the tools I have learned about using from my 23 Things blog. I figured I will just keep searching for more information from blogs or websites with information on new developments in web 2.0.

Thing 23

Before I ever enter the Technology classroom I was always being informed about plagiarism. What I have always heard about plagiarism, a thousand times, is that it is against the law and how we should never sink down to the level of doing such a thing. I had no clue that some of the images that I had used for power points were not supposed to be used. I thought that if it was on Google then it had to be o.k. to use but during this class, I learned more about copyrighting and creative commons. I learned that there are some things that are o.k. for us to use because of creative commons but we have to do what the person that had created it ask for us to do to be able to use it. I will be able to use these resources in the classroom to teach my students about creative commons and how to go about finding pictures that they can use and tell which ones can and cannot be used.

Thing 22

LIVEBINDERS!  I am so excited to see that this is one of the blogs I get to write about because I have had an account for three or more years now and I love this site!  For those that have not been using this website for as long, it is a great tool to be able to bookmark websites in sets or "binders".  This website has kept up-to-date in the technology world by creating an app for the IPad.  I use the website and the app all the time.  I personal have so many different binders on LiveBinders.  I have six binders I have created (Food, Education, School, Shop Til You Drop, Fun, and TV Networks).  Each of my binders hold different things.  My Food binder has websites that I like to go to for recipes, School has all the websites I use every day for APSU, Education has websites that I have gotten from past teachers that are great resources, Shop Til You Drop has websites for shopping, Fun has the webpages I go to in my free time, and TV Networks has websites of some of the TV Networks that I visit the most.  I also have countless binders saved that other people have created!  This website would be a great use in the classroom.  One way to use it in a classroom is to make a binder with websites you want your class to use when researching information for a project.  Another way to use this website in the classroom is to make a binder of games so that the students can play safe educational games to practice what they are learning in class.  The binder I am going to share with everyone is my School binder.  

Thing 21

Animoto is a great website to make video clips of your personal pictures. I have used many different video makers, and this is one of the easiest ones to use. The only big thing I do not enjoy about it is that you have to pay to make longer videos. With this said, this does not mean it is all bad. It is really simple to use. You are able to make videos with pictures on your Facebook, Flickr, or from your computer, which is really neat! This website has it were you can either upload your own music for the slide show or you can use a song they have on the website. Then you have so many different video set-ups to choose from. The different set-ups already have the way the pictures will show on the video when it is played. Then you are able to also enter text where you feel needed. All in all, I really love this site.

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

Thing 20

Videos from websites like Youtube can be great resources to use for any subject in a classroom. As I have seen first hand, Youtube is a great way to find help on how to use a graphing calculator do certain things. I love using Youtube: you can find educational videos that can help you out in a class or videos that will make you have a brighter day because you needed a good laugh. I really liked that when you go to brows that there is a tab that is labeled Education and by clicking on this tab you can find everything that is related to from teachers uploading there class videos to help on different subjects. The video I really liked and decided to post to my blog is The Last Lecture: Achieving a Dream. As Randy Pausch said, "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, we just have to play the hand."

Thing 19

Visit TeacherPop The two social networks I chose to join was Flixster, Craftster, and BakeSpace. These three very different social networks represent some of the things I love {For example, I love to bake, do crafts and watch movies}. Each site is great for there own reasons. Flixster allows you to keep up with movies you want to see and what others want to see. Someone can also find the ratings other people have given a movie so that you know if the movie will be any good or not. Craftster is a really neat site showing different crafts for anyone and everyone. It allows everyone to be able to open up their creative juices and create different and neat things. Bake Space makes it easier to find good recipes that anyone can handle fixing! As you can see each of these websites are truly amazing!

Thing 18

Social networks have been around not for many years. They are slowly evolving every year and becoming more and more dominate in today's society. Here are a list of questions I will be answering in Thing 18: Why is it important that educators know how social networking works? What new insights did you gain about these popular sites? What did I like or dislike about each of the sites you explored? Which site had the most useful features? Can I see a classroom or school application for any of these sites? To answer these questions, I have had to do my own reach of mine own by joining at least one social network. I personally already am apart of two social networks that are popular and have been apart of others in the past. Now to the first question: Why is it important that educators know how social networking works? It is very important in many ways for educators know how social networking works. The first reason why it is so important that educators know how it works so that they maybe be able to help others or receive help from others on certain situations. The second reason it is important is if you understand social networks then you understand a little more about cyber bullying. The third I find it important is so that teachers can stay in the in. They know what is going on, what new break-through are occurring, and possibly what new trends are occurring for their students. To move on to the next question, what new insights did you gain about these popular sites? I have gained some new insights on social networking but not many. The reasoning behind why I have not gained many is because I have had a few different sites over the years and I already understand it well but this does not mean I did not learn anything new. I learned more about Twitter and how to use it to get information out there with in so many characters. I learned that a lot of people use twitter and it can be a great way to keep in the "know" with what is going on. Next, what did I like or dislike about each of the sites you explored? Which site had the most useful features? I enjoy being able to keep in touch with old friends and you can block people that you do not like. There is not much I do not like about social networking sites. Finally, Can I see a classroom or school application for any of these sites? I would personally rather have my own personal webpage or even a blog instead of have a class Facebook. I have multiple reasons for this. One reason is that there will be parents that do not allow their children to join these social networks. Speaking from experience, I had two friends that were not allowed to join Facebook until they were seniors in high school. Another reason is because most schools have most social networks blocked, well at least the popular social networks that is.

Thing 17

Delicious is a really neat tool that has the potential to use in the classroom. You could use this in the classroom to see what your students think about some of the information that has been applied. This is an easy way to create bookmarks and be able to access them from where ever you would like. Teachers can take advantage of this site by setting up a class group and having everyone join and then the class bookmarking websites they find neat/cool to use and you can also share information this way also.

Thing 16

Just like a few other students, I already had a Google home page set up. I like using the Google homepage because so much of what I use is somehow connected with Google. I use a online Google Calendar to keep me posted from where ever I am what I am supposed to do on a certain date, as long as I have internet that is. It is really simple to share calendars with other people and you can add people's calendars to your personal one. To-do list are very helpful but I rather just do my to-do list on my Ipad with the remember the milk app! It is supper easy to use and can transfer information fast to your website account so that you can get your to-do list whenever you want it! One tool I found was from College Ruled. It is where a student can create his/her class schedule and be able to discuss with other students about different things.

Thing 15

Wikipedia is known by most people but a good percentage of these people do not know that there are many of websites that individuals can use to gather ideas and information from other people. So, if you cannot tell, in thing 15 I will be talking about wikis. After trying to edit a page I quickly learned that it is a lot harder than what it looks but once you are in understanding of what, it becomes a much easier process. The way I could use wikis in the classroom is by using them in different group projects. I can use wikis personally by finding how someone taught a certain subject area so that I know how to better my lesson plans.

Thing 14

Mind mapping and making flow charts are great ways to get organized. I recently have been trying out new tools to be able to make these two things simpler to create and not so time consuming. I have tried different tools like ones you down load a program that you have to pay for, but receive a free trial for, like Smart Draw 2012; and I am been trying out websites that you do everything online. The two I have enjoyed the most is Gliffy and They both have things I enjoy a lot on each of them. Gliffy is a great web-based creater in general. You are able to make a lot of different things from this tool. Not only can you make flow charts and a mind map but you can create things like a classroom layout and a lot of other neat things. Which SmartDraw is a program you can download for $200+ that does everything that this free website does. makes making a flow chart/mind map supper simple. It does not have too many bells and whistles. I has the most important things without trying to confuse everyone that uses this programming.