Monday, October 1, 2012

Thing 18

Social networks have been around not for many years. They are slowly evolving every year and becoming more and more dominate in today's society. Here are a list of questions I will be answering in Thing 18: Why is it important that educators know how social networking works? What new insights did you gain about these popular sites? What did I like or dislike about each of the sites you explored? Which site had the most useful features? Can I see a classroom or school application for any of these sites? To answer these questions, I have had to do my own reach of mine own by joining at least one social network. I personally already am apart of two social networks that are popular and have been apart of others in the past. Now to the first question: Why is it important that educators know how social networking works? It is very important in many ways for educators know how social networking works. The first reason why it is so important that educators know how it works so that they maybe be able to help others or receive help from others on certain situations. The second reason it is important is if you understand social networks then you understand a little more about cyber bullying. The third I find it important is so that teachers can stay in the in. They know what is going on, what new break-through are occurring, and possibly what new trends are occurring for their students. To move on to the next question, what new insights did you gain about these popular sites? I have gained some new insights on social networking but not many. The reasoning behind why I have not gained many is because I have had a few different sites over the years and I already understand it well but this does not mean I did not learn anything new. I learned more about Twitter and how to use it to get information out there with in so many characters. I learned that a lot of people use twitter and it can be a great way to keep in the "know" with what is going on. Next, what did I like or dislike about each of the sites you explored? Which site had the most useful features? I enjoy being able to keep in touch with old friends and you can block people that you do not like. There is not much I do not like about social networking sites. Finally, Can I see a classroom or school application for any of these sites? I would personally rather have my own personal webpage or even a blog instead of have a class Facebook. I have multiple reasons for this. One reason is that there will be parents that do not allow their children to join these social networks. Speaking from experience, I had two friends that were not allowed to join Facebook until they were seniors in high school. Another reason is because most schools have most social networks blocked, well at least the popular social networks that is.

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