Monday, October 1, 2012

This Chapter is Ending, But Another is Beginning

I really enjoyed learning about Flickr, Live Binders, and the different imagine generators. Each of these items that I learned about, will be used in the near future in many different ways: like in power points, in my future class room and even in my music fraternity. This program has opened my eyes up to new information that I had no clue some of it was even out there. It has changed some of my lifelong learning goals in so many ways. The biggest way it has changed them is that I am going to make sure to always stay on top of my game with technology and making sure I learn something new about technology I can use in my own classroom one day. There was nothing that was unexpected for outcomes to me. I wish there were more things to tell the truth. I really enjoyed learning about different things on line. I plan on using a lot of the tools I have learned about using from my 23 Things blog. I figured I will just keep searching for more information from blogs or websites with information on new developments in web 2.0.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I can not believe you are already done! Way to go! I was drawn to your post, because of the title of this blog. Reading through some of your blogs has been very informative and helpful, and I am sure it is going to help me get ideas on how to complete the rest of my assignment! Thanks for being such an over achiever! Its great to see someone who has already put this much work into this task!
